Nutrition and Exercise for Osteoporosis



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Please contact Dr Stephanie Barrett’s secretary Kate Picon on:

Tel: 020 7730 8508

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GMC No: 2825957

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AXA PPP: SK00674



The London Consulting Rooms
2nd Floor
116 Harley Street


Do you struggle with osteoporosis and are wondering if diet and exercise can help strengthen your bones? The good news is that yes, coupled with your prescribed Osteoporosis medication, diet and exercise can have a strong impact on your bones and have you feeling as best as you possibly can. Not sure where to start? Fear not – we’re here to help! Keep reading on to find out more about nutrition and exercise tips for osteoporosis.


If you’re looking to eat in a way that contributes to healthy bones, it’s important to focus on calcium and vitamin D. Foods that are rich in calcium include dairy products such as milk and cheese. If you’re not able to eat dairy, you can also opt for green vegetables like kale and okra. There are even plenty of options with fortified cereals.

While you can get your daily dose of vitamin D by going outside in the sunlight, you can also get vitamin D in foods like salmon, mackerel and tuna. Lots of food is also fortified with vitamin D such as orange juice, cereals and soy milk. Don’t forget egg yolks too!


If you suffer from bone loss or just want to strengthen your bones, weight training can be incredibly helpful when it comes to osteoporosis. This should always be confirmed with a doctor before taking part in any sort of exercise program. It’s important to exercise in a way that’s appropriate for you and your situation.

You can also do simple exercises such as going for a nice, long walk or taking the stairs instead of the lift. People are surprised to find out that taking small steps in daily life to lead a more active lifestyle can have strong effects.

While diet and exercise won’t act as a magic pill when it comes to your osteoporosis, pursuing a diet high in calcium and vitamin D, in addition to doing the right type of exercise, can have great impacts on your overall health and possibly your condition. Make sure you take it slow and only do an amount of exercise that’s appropriate for you and your situation.

We offer a range of effective medications which reduce the risk of fractures and also improve bone density. For those who cannot tolerate oral medication, yearly and six monthly injection options are available in our clinic. Each patients needs are unique and need to be discussed with a rheumatology specialist

For more information on the treatments we offer, please see our page on Osteoporosis Treatment.