diet for gout - Diet can help gout



Make an enquiry or appointment

Please contact Dr Stephanie Barrett’s secretary Kate Picon on:

Tel: 020 7730 8508

Please Bring With You

A referral letter from your GP and any scans/X rays you may have with you at every appointment.

GMC No: 2825957

Bupa: 02825957

AXA PPP: SK00674



The London Consulting Rooms
2nd Floor
116 Harley Street


Gout Management through Diet

Diet can also have an important role in managing gout. Purine-rich foods such as offal, mackerel, sardines, yeast extract, asparagus, cauliflower and mushrooms should be avoided or restricted. Gout sufferers are advised to limit alcohol consumption and increase water intake to 3-3.5 litres a day. In those who are obese, gradual weight loss is often advised. In rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis conditions, a healthy weight can be beneficial. Those with osteoarthritis may get some benefit from improving their intake of Vitamin C and D, and supplementing their diet with glucosamine and chondroitin (unless allergic to shellfish). Eating oily fish can have a beneficial effect on joint tenderness, morning stiffness and pain in those who experience RA. Food exclusion, vegetarian and vegan diets can bring a moderate improvement in some people with RA. In all cases, it is important to assess patients individually and to check their dietary intake for adequate supply of necessary nutrients, and also, to check for foods that should be eliminated from the diet. Diets that will help treat rheumatoid conditions can be tailored to the patient’s requirements by the dietitian taking into account risk of toxicity, drug nutrient interaction and nutrient deficiency.